Farm Objectives
Maximise sustainable profit, increase productivity and efficiency through sustainable farming, whilst securing the long-term environmental, economic and social future of our farm.
Achieve world-class animal welfare targets
Apply proven farming practices whilst considering the farm’s full environmental footprint, resource use and efficiency.
Produce safe nutritious food for the market through excellent farming practices, by keeping detailed records of how we farm.
Demonstrate a world-best practice pasture based dairy farming system.
Use the best environmental monitoring and irrigation management systems that promote fertile well-structured soils, limit erosion, compaction, contamination, run off, nutrient imbalances and leaching. Achieve sustainable growth in profit from productivity whilst protecting the neighbouring environment.
Optimise the use of farm automation systems, energy and input use, improving efficiencies and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and subsequent animal welfare, social, environmental and economic benefits.
Maintain an effective team environment at policy, management and operational levels.
Secure the future management of our farm by implementing a recruitment and training policy that ensures employee’s gain skills and knowledge of all areas of dairy farming
Encourage professional development through training so skills can be cultivated, building a pathway for progression for all employees thus creating a desire in our team to excel and become better farmers that contribute effectively in meeting the farms objectives and management strategy.
Create a culture that will improve workplace safety that is supported by awareness that encourages engagement by all staff, promoting flexibility and innovation, supporting honesty and transparency through a “no blame” approach.
Construct a positive farm culture: an informed culture, a reporting culture, a fair culture, a flexible culture and a learning culture
Seek labour productivity gains through adoption of technologies and practices that reduces labour requirements, makes the work environment safer or more satisfying.
Contribute to the dairy industry by preparing members of our team with excellent skills that benefit not only to our operation but the industry as a whole.